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School holiday programs are programs, workshops, activities, clinics and camps run by private businesses who provide supervision, learning experiences, fun activities and development opportunities for school aged children during school holidays. Parents are not required to be present.

Parents Little Helper provides parents with information about a wide range of holiday programs to make holiday planning as smooth as possible. When parents are ready to book they are directed to the official websites or booking platforms of the holiday programs featured.

Go to Register your Program and sign up for either a monthly or annual subscription. All subscriptions come with a 60 day trial period. We will send you an online form to gather further information about your holiday program.

To help parents search for the right program for their child we have created three program types:

Active: Sports and movement

Creative: Arts, performance, craft and mindfulness

STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Half day programs are often referred to as ‘workshops’ and run from 2.5 hours up to six hours. They are a fun, safe way for children to explore new programs and interests.

Single days are full day programs that run for at least 5 to 6 hours. Multiple single days can be booked, but each day is a stand alone program.

Holiday Camps run over consecutive days, with each day building on the one before, providing intensive skill development.

If you’ve found the program you want to book your child into but the bookings aren’t yet open we suggest subscribing to their updates. If a business tells us how early they open up their bookings we will put that information on their program page.

As prices vary depending on Program Duration and many businesses provide more than one Program Duration it is not possible to search by price. We do put full price details in on the Program page.

Parents Little Helper is starting in Victoria, but will move to all states across Australia. Subscribe here to keep up to date.

This is a short description to help parents quickly understand the content of the program and whether it may be a fit for their child. To determine the Program Title we look at the main activities, does it involve skill development, is it unstructured play, etc.