Performance workshops, games, activities and final production

Immerse Drama

Performance workshops, games, activities and final production

Program Outline

Children will enjoy fun games and acting techniques ranging from stage to screen with improvisation, and script work. They will learn new skills, craft activities, make friends, and work together to create a fun final show.


The three day program is for those aged 5 to 10.

The two day program is for those aged 8 to 12.


The groups get to be creative with the subject and the scene work. This allows all children to enjoy each other’s contributions and storylines and have tasks that challenge them and engage them with the material and their peers. The program schedule allows for some creative arts in the craft in the afternoon, this also allows the children to socialise and engage in the story in another creative form.


Each program finishes with a final performance on the last day.


Two day program: $220

Three day program: $330


9:30 – 3:30 pm (performance at 3:30 pm on the final day)


The three day program is run over week 1 of the school holidays.

The two program is run over week 2 of the school holidays

  • Location
    St Kilda East
  • Suitable For
    5 - 12 years old
  • Duration

  • Website